High Intensity Training and Sleep

Updated August 2, 2023

Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining good health. A full night’s rest allows the body to recover and the brain to recharge. A well-rested body is better equipped to handle daily challenges, recover from injuries and stress, and rebuild after workouts. When we lift weights, our muscles tear, causing the soreness that often accompanies starting a resistance training program. This soreness can last for about two days and limit our ability to function at 100%. Adequate sleep is one way to alleviate and recover from this soreness.

On the other hand, exercising regularly can help improve sleep quality. Engaging in vigorous exercise can tire the body and create a pleasant tiredness in the muscles. For those who struggle with sleep problems, studies have shown that exercise can be an effective solution. In fact, better sleep can also increase one’s motivation to exercise, creating a positive cycle of health. By prioritizing sleep and exercise, we can perform at our best throughout the day.

Described below are 7 ways to immediately begin improving your sleep quality for a healthier life.


Opt for high-intensity workouts to maximize efficiency and fitness gains in less time compared to endurance-based programs.

Limit caffeine

Reduce your intake of caffeine, a stimulant that can interfere with your ability to stay asleep. Try to consume it earlier in the day.

Maintain a healthy diet

Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and quality proteins in your meals to support restful sleep and provide essential nutrients for recovery.

Keep the room cool

Create a relaxing environment for sleep by ensuring that your room is cool, as the body temperature naturally lowers during sleep.

Take a pre-bedtime shower

Enjoying a shower before bed helps the body’s blood vessels dilate, promoting relaxation and preparation for sleep.

Stretch before bed

After a challenging workout, stretching your muscles before bed helps relieve tension and promotes relaxation.

Practice deep breathing

Engage in deep breathing exercises before bed to soothe your body and slow down your mind, creating an ideal state for sleep.

Eliminate ambient light

Turn off all electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, laptops, and tablets, which emit light that can interfere with sleep. Create a dark and peaceful sleeping environment to improve sleep quality.

By implementing these strategies, you can take immediate steps toward improving your sleep quality and leading a healthier life.

WOD Planet